What is JUEMUN?

Japan University English Model United Nations, commonly referred to as JUEMUN, is an annual, collaborative and student-organized conference held in the Kansai region of Japan. Since its inception in 2010, JUEMUN has grown into Japan’s premier English MUN experience for university students around the world. JUEMUN participants bring an array of backgrounds and perspectives to make an exciting, engaging and unforgettable simulation. JUEMUN was the first MUN in Japan to offer the most accurate simulation of the United Nations by using UN4MUN procedure that the founders learned from UN officials that emphasize achieving consensus among delegates representing their countries’ positions on world issues.

The conference is organized by a volunteer team of university students, staff and teachers, at several host universities, who believe that JUEMUN is a wonderful way for students to learn about the most challenging global issues our world faces today by representing the government of a nation, other than their own homeland, at a simulation of United Nations meetings.

It is a worthwhile challenge for students to endeavor to think the thoughts, and feel the feelings of people from other cultures as Japanese and International students use English in formal speeches, informal conversations, committee discussions and debates on different national positions to seek agreement on brave new solutions to confusing problems, old and new.